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LifeVibes software brings 10 smiles a second to Android users!

LifeVibes software brings 10 smiles a second to Android users! NXP Software reaches a major milestone with its LifeVibes solutions now in 2 out of 3 Android devices Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 27th February – NXP Software announced today that its LifeVibes multimedia software now features in 200 million out of the 300 million Android-powered devices on the market. This includes leading handsets from major OEMs such as Samsung, LG and Sony Ericsson. Most recently, NXP Software has contributed...
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Experience ‘wow’ moments at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2012

Experience ‘wow’ moments at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2012 NXP Software’s LifeVibes solutions deliver exciting real-life experiences in key mobile domains like social TV, user creativity and communication. NXP Software is offering visitors real-life demonstrations of its products on its stand (Hall 1, A 15) at MWC 2012. Device makers and service providers can experience LifeVibes solutions tailored to the expectations of ever-more demanding mobile users. Designed to deliver a ‘wow!’ for consumers,...
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TIM atende 84,5% da população urbana de São Paulo

TIM atende 84,5% da população urbana de São Paulo Três em um Entre os dias 27 de janeiro e 07 de fevereiro, a TIM levou a tecnologia da Terceira Geração a 32 novas cidades do estado de São Paulo. Isso significa dizer que, aproximadamente, três cidades por dia tiveram acesso a internet de banda larga móvel. Com isso, a operadora totaliza 163 municípios cobertos com 3G no estado de São Paulo, atendendo a 84,5% de população urbana.O investimento em infraestrutura e expansão de rede está ligado...
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