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LG Optimus 3D phone video

LG's first 3D phone that you can shoot and share content on. We get a first look at the LG Optimus 3D phone in acti...
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Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play video

First look at the Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play aka the Playstation Phone or PSP Phone. Watch the video for the latest info on the Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play specs, release late and reaction to Sony's Android-running gaming smartphone.Planeta Celular tecnologia e mobilid...
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Gaming on the HP (Palm) TouchPad

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Check In with Google Latitude

Check in with Google Latitude. Update Google Maps in Android Market and then join Latitude from the main menu to start checking in at the places you go.- Check in at places such as restaurants to let friends know you're there.- Get automatically checked out when you leave.- Turn on automatic check-ins at places you choose or check-in notifications in Latitude's settin...
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